Everything that I wrote about in the last post, I learned through suffering and pain. So it seemed only fitting that this be the theme of my next post.
One day, I was sitting in prayer at one of the lowest points
in my life that I can remember. I was experiencing pain like I never had
before. It was like life had stabbed my heart so many times it had deflated
into a little gimpy piece of plastic that throbbed and writhed around inside of
me. So many people have felt like that, but the crazy thing is, the devil had
convinced me that I was the only one; that I was alone. That is simply a lie.
As I sat in the chapel praying, I just cried. I knew Jesus was sitting there
with me, holding me in His strong arms and stroking my hair, but my faith is
weak and I longed to see Him. I had to know He was still there, because it sure
didn’t feel like it. How could He be there with all of this happening to me? I
begged Him to show me His face, even if it was just for a second. He gently
responded by reminding me of a quote that I had once read that said “to suffer
is to see the face of God.” I didn’t know what that meant until later on that
night, when I got a call with even worse news, that broke my heart even more.
There are many different kinds of pain. The most bearable
kind is physical pain, afflictions of our outer body. But what about when the pain you feel isn’t
physical? What about when you’re so inflicted with sad emotions and feelings of
abandonment that we refer to it as a “heart break”? That pain is much more
somber. You can’t just ignore it like a pinch in your side. It has to be dealt
with; ignoring it only delays the process. There are no pills for heartache.
So, here comes the age-old question: how do you get through it?
When faced with emotional pain,
whether it’s because of our own sin or because of an outside circumstance, most
of the time our knee-jerk reaction is to shake our fists and frantically,
desperately search for how to make it stop.So why doesn’t anyone
know how to make it stop or how to fix a broken heart? There are things we can
do to distract us from it or think more positively about it, but at the end of
the day, nothing human can stop Pain’s gnawing in the deepest part of our
souls. The more we push it down or try to ignore it, the stronger it seems to
grow. As a fellow victim in the brutal warfare of heartbreak, I too asked this
question. I was desperate to find the solution, angry I couldn’t, and finally
completely hopeless. But I, like so many other people, was asking the wrong
question. I was looking at pain and suffering the wrong way.
We must embrace pain. Yes, embrace suffering. Give it a hug and welcome
it into the home of your heart. This sounds crazy and counter-cultural, but
what else could you expect as a follower of Christ? Suffering shapes us and
refines us, like a jewel stuck in the fire. It is not an excuse to lash out at
people or to sin. It is not a license to sin, but the opposite. How you behave
when your very soul aches is the true test of a person. That is when we are
called to look different from the world. When you are hurting, make an even
bigger effort to love your neighbor, to serve the poor, to pray, to be
disciplined. The longer you sit around and mope or try to numb the pain with
various people or substances, the longer the pain stays with you. It will not
leave until you have learned what you are supposed to from it. And praise God
for the chance to be refined!
That night that I mentioned earlier, when I thought things
couldn’t get worse and they did, it hit me. Jesus was showing me His face. I was suffering in a more real way than I
ever had because that’s how much God loved me and desired intimacy with me. He
was exposing my idols and tearing them out of my cold, stiff fingers. The pain
made me bury my head in His chest so deeply that I couldn’t breathe and I
couldn’t escape. It is abiding in Him in a deeper way than I could have
conceived. He turned my mourning into dancing, but not because I no longer hurt
or cried or because He snapped his fingers and made my life perfect. I rejoice
because every time I hurt I get to share in my Lord’s sufferings. When I hurt
because I’m rejected or betrayed, I get to feel a tiny version of the pain that
He felt on Calvary, the pain that He feels when I run to other gods instead of
to my King. So any pain you and I feel is a cause to rejoice because we can
comprehend a little bit more the depth of God’s incomprehensible love.
Suffering is for our good, if we accept it and embrace it
rather than feel sorry for ourselves, ignore it, or try to numb it with things
of this world. If our Master came to the earth to suffer in the most profound
way, why should we, the servants, expect anything different? Every time
hardship comes, and your heart hurts so badly that you want to scream, offer it
up to Jesus. Thank Him for it. Ask Him to use it to purify you. Thank Him that
He loves you so much He would allow you to experience pain. You might feel like
you can’t do it anymore, like you cannot possibly bear your cross for one more
second. The thing is, you and I can’t. But God can. Give your burden to Him and
let Him give you the strength to bear it. As followers of God, we don’t have
the right to give up.
He might not take our suffering away for a while, but He
will never leave you. He will catch every teardrop and He longs for you to let
Him just hold you as you cry. He will give you the strength to endure it if you
only ask for it. “No trial has come to you but what is human. God is faithful
and will not let you be tried beyond your strength…” (1 Cor. 10:13). And when
you are tempted to feel alone in your pain, like no one knows what it’s like,
no one understands, no one can make you feel better, remember that to some
degree you’re right, no human will probably completely understand. But that is
one of the devil’s sharpest weapons: to make you feel alone. Other people have
pain, some that is buried so deeply no one would ever know it. Go find those
people and comfort them. Be vulnerable about your own pain, so that they too
can know that they are not alone. But above all, remember, Jesus knows what
every kind of pain feels like and understands it more than we can imagine.
Rejection, abandonment, humiliation, and being misunderstood are nothing new to
Him. He even understands the pain of a loved one’s death or separation; He wept
when His friend Lazarus died knowing full well He would soon resurrect Him. Life
is painful and He understands that more than anyone else. Meditate on His life
and Passion. You are never alone.
If you don’t have pain in your life now, there are still
little grievances that we can offer up for our own sanctification. Every “first
world problem”, every hurtful little comment directed at you, every time someone
or something let’s you down or doesn’t go according to plan, we can offer it up
to God and thank Him for it. He can use anything from the smallest discomfort
to the biggest heartache caused by our own sin to sanctify us. What an amazing
God we have.
Mother Teresa, in one of my favorite books No Greater
Love, puts the key to joy amidst suffering far better than I could: “Don’t
be afraid. There must be the cross, there must be suffering, a clear sign that
Jesus has drawn you so close to His heart that He can share His suffering with
you. Without God we can spread only pain and suffering around us. We all long
for heaven where God is, but we have it in our power to be with Him right now,
to be happy with Him at this very moment. But being happy with Him now means
loving like He loves, helping as He helps, giving as He gives, serving as He
serves, rescuing as He rescues, being with Him 24 hours a day, touching Him in
His distressing disguise. Jesus is going to do great things with you if you let
Him, and if you don’t try to interfere with Him.”
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